2024-07-11 Civile.it
GPEN e ICPEN: Tecniche e Informative ingannevoli (e anche cookie banner)
3 min The full GPEN report IP Paper No. 6, The form of choices ---Submitted by Julie Beaumont on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 03:00(French follows)GPEN Sweep finds majority of websites and mobile apps use deceptive design to influence privacy choicesJuly 9, 2024A global privacy sweep that examin
3 min The full GPEN report IP Paper No. 6, The form of choices ---Submitted by Julie Beaumont on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 03:00(French follows)GPEN Sweep finds majority of websites and mobile apps use deceptive design to influence privacy choicesJuly 9, 2024A global privacy sweep that examin
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2023-10-20 Cnil.fr
Commercial prospecting and rights of individuals: fine of 600,000 euros against GROUPE CANAL+ | cnil< 1 min Cookies management panelSome features of this website rely on services offered by third-party sites (twitter feed, videos).If you give your consent, these third-party sites will drop cookies that will allow you to visualize on our site content hosted by these third-parties,