"Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Confucius Xunzi, 3rd century BC
2017-03-24 19-03
2017-03-24 20-03 March, 29, in Paris from @Bazzi Fatimahttpswwwfacebookcomevents
2017-03-24 20-03 test
2017-03-24 20-03
2017-03-26 12-03 @aspasiapapaloi shared Following the example of multiplication, here'
2017-03-26 12-03 Alexandra Devendra I suppose in MInneapolis
2017-03-26 12-03 Civic design httpsscoutbookscomcenter-civic-design
2017-03-26 12-03 Good Typo
2017-03-27 15-03
2017-04-02 09-04 Improving customer relationship 11th International Conference – Plai
2017-04-07 11-04 I want to thank Nate Kleinman for her iniative She've sent a work tha
2017-04-10 14-04 Learning by doing is an excellent way, expecially in this area In res
2017-04-10 16-04 Sociolegal model making 2 httpsvimeocom185491441 from @amandape
2017-04-11 16-04 Coming soon in Finland httpwwwlegaldesignsummitcom
2017-04-11 16-04 Some contracts are not designed to be read httpstwittercomdottir
2017-04-13 05-04 Privacy as a service Simple forms to manage consents httpswwwlin
2017-04-19 15-04 How typographic presentation influences the way people read legal info
2017-04-19 16-04
2017-04-23 21-04 Thanks to Alexandra Devendra
2017-04-28 13-04 The Information Design Summer School 4-8 September 2017 Bath, Uk, Prog
2017-05-05 10-05 Stefania Passera found a very interesting post to read, written by Ale
2017-05-26 17-05 I want to thank Arianna Rossi she submitted a huge paper to our group
2017-05-29 09-05 Thanks to Stefania Passera an event to follow Visualizing Knowlege Se
2017-05-29 09-05 Visualizing Knowlege Seminar is streamed starting at 900 EEST (in 30
2017-05-29 10-05 Another live session today here
2017-05-29 18-05 Follow what's happening today here httpstwittercomhashtagvisual
2017-06-13 07-06 Legal documents as datas
2017-06-13 16-06 7 steps for a disclaimer httpsraelyntancomwrite-blog-disclaimer
2017-06-19 09-06 Stefania Passera, the one who started talking about legal design, sugg
2017-06-20 10-06 Picturing Corporate Practice The book features a user-friendly design,
2017-06-20 17-06 Legal documents for websites, part 2 httpsblogred-website-designc
2017-06-27 12-06 Legal framework in cloudA first step visualization of Google's propos
2017-06-27 17-06 Legal Documents for websites, part III httpsblogred-website-design
2017-07-04 14-07 Stefania Passera
2017-07-08 20-07 Icons for EU Privacy Europeans in Stanford, submitted by Rc Richards
2017-07-14 20-07 Barriers against IA in courts Law Dojo, Margaret Hagan proposed to so
2017-07-26 09-07 The presentation from the Design Workshop for UE general data protecti
2017-08-07 10-08 Two famous collections of icons on privacyhttpshalfblognet201008
2017-08-23 09-08 Passera - beyond the wall of contract texts Some materials from her Ph
2017-08-23 09-08 Passera - beyond the wall of contract texts
2017-08-23 09-08 Passera - beyond the wall of contract textsSome materials from her PhD
2017-08-23 09-08 Stefania Passera - beyond the wall of contract text
2017-08-24 10-08 Legal Design Summit 31 Oct 1 Nov HelsinkiMeet us at the second global
2017-09-23 00-09 @StanfordCLP Lots of fantastic people here today for the #legaldesign
2017-10-03 10-10 A template to explain laws DLAW 50 httpopenadvocateorgdlaw
2017-10-09 16-10 In Milan, today 9 oct 2017 Open Lecture di Alessandro Rancati (Policy
2017-10-10 15-10 wwwKnomosca That's #Legaldesign (more coming soon in our group)
2017-11-07 11-11 The first Comic and Creative Contracts Conference in the worldSubmitte
2017-11-11 07-11 Legal and strategic design
2017-11-13 10-11 Other Community Leaders in Milan with me, Friday at Codemotion Milan 2
2017-11-13 19-11 Finally, students start learning how to become lawyers and entreprenue
2017-11-14 11-11 SPOT TED Talk - Graphic Contracts by Camilla AndersenIn this SPOT TALK
2017-11-22 12-11 Legal design abi andbitakian banks
2017-12-08 16-12 Something great from SketchLexhttpsketchlexcom06122017iconesp
2017-12-17 20-12 How to create legal icons, a great method by sketchlex httpsketchle
2017-12-17 20-12 There's an icon for everyone httpsketchlexcom17122017generald
2018-02-09 19-02 Visualizing data protection rights, Gloria González Fuster (don't mis
2018-02-27 14-02 Law&Design for Privacy Giovedì 1 marzo 2018, 1000-1700Sala Kelsen d
2018-03-08 08-03 Universita' di Perugia Laboratorio di ri-scrittura legale il legales
2018-03-16 11-03 Principles, rights, duties, icons regarding GDPR httpswwwprivacyp
2018-03-21 15-03 #LegalDesign workshop for the #GDPR, Monday 26 March in Bologna with @
2018-03-21 15-03 Madrid, 17 april 2018, Detalles del EventoEl Legal Design Challenge e
2018-03-21 15-03 Monica Palmirani @LegalDesignLab Intro to Legal Design spring 2018 cl
2018-03-21 15-03 Stefania Passera @StewieKeeLove the structure and the design of these
2018-03-25 20-03 Guide to gdpr httpswwwsandtrono20180228overview-of-key-provis
2018-03-29 08-03 From Sketchlex - En direct de l’@essec avec @SophieLapisardi et @Ele
2018-03-29 08-03 Seminar Making Law through Pro-Active Law and Legal Design Thinking,
2018-04-20 10-04 From Marcilio Franca, Brazil https1cbdawordpresscomsubmissao-de-
2018-04-21 11-04 Common icons in the new privacy policy
2018-05-08 23-05 in Munich, june 2018News from Tessa Manuello httpswwwlinkedincom
2018-05-11 07-05 Juro and gdpr httpsjurocom#privacy-popup
2018-05-18 23-05 In Madrid, but it's late httpsinstitutodeinnovacionlegalcomleg
2018-05-19 00-05 Report of the legal design challenge in Madrid httpsinstitutodeinno
2018-06-05 17-06 DESIGN FOR JUSTICE LABDo you want to improve your design thinking skil
2018-06-13 15-06 Soirée LawByDesign - Open Law & ERAGE de Strasbourg L'équipe d'Open
2018-07-02 07-07 Sketchlex in Paris httpsopenlawfrevenementatelier-legal-design-1
2018-07-20 10-07 In Amsterdam, september 2018 httplegal-tech-associationeuconferen
2018-08-16 11-08 Map of legal tech in Finland from Stefania Passera httpswwwlinkedi
2018-08-22 17-08 httpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnliactivity64366465816504156
2018-09-06 19-09 A must to read on complexity httpwwwlegalenglishcoukunderstan
2018-09-19 15-09 Design in sport, where data weren't data before sensorshttpswwwec
2018-09-21 15-09 Monuments and colors for sightlesshttpswwwecodibergamoitstories
2018-09-25 17-09 Privacy design, the Norway wayhttpswwwsignatucomblog20180920
2018-10-04 14-10 One day in Paris experiencing legal design httpsmediumcomlegal-
2018-10-05 09-10 AI meet legal design, in Japan httpswwwartificiallawyercom2018
2018-10-06 15-10 From Concept To Courtroom httpswwwlinkedincompulsefrom-concept
2018-10-20 06-10 Most common mistakes in privacy from ICO httpswwwlinkedincomfeed
2018-10-21 07-10 Genious httpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnliactivity645883602
2018-11-02 17-11 Legal Design to understand (Stefania Passera, 2017) httpswwwslide
2018-11-13 09-11 SketchLex httpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnliactivity64680
2018-11-15 12-11 Privacy and Legal Design in Francehttpsmediumcom@matthias_44343
2018-11-19 14-11 France is running (thanks to Miroslav Kurdov httpswwwlinkedincom
2018-11-27 22-11 Legal Design and the drama of the synecdochehttpswwwlinkedincomp
2018-11-27 22-11 Legal design alliance httpswwwlegaldesignallianceorg
2018-11-28 09-11 In Bologna, Italy httpgdprbydesigncirsfiduniboitlegaldesign-wo
2018-11-28 09-11 In Turin
2018-12-01 20-12 Design and measure ithttpsissuucombrunogarciaptdocsuxpin_guide
2018-12-11 10-12 PowerPoint template to report metrics, KPIs, and project development s
2018-12-18 09-12 Legal Design School httpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnliactiv
2019-01-14 16-01 Miroslav Kurdov - Smart contracts for machine-to-machine communication
2019-01-14 16-01 Miroslav Kurdov Legal designer & IPIT in-house lawyer Someone asked o
2019-01-14 16-01 Selma Khaled - Legal Business Developer chez Legalstartfr - Assas Fut
2019-01-17 12-01 Legal Design is not only icons But icons can be the result of a broad
2019-01-20 07-01 20 design principles, httpsdigitalsynopsiscomdesigngraphic-desig
2019-01-20 13-01 Here are the elements of the #DigitalRights & #Privacy Protection Fram
2019-01-23 14-01 Alexandra Sabbe-Ferri Une typologie des principaux motifs de licencie
2019-01-24 20-01 Ahmed Banafa recent paper by Stanford students easy to read and under
2019-01-25 11-01 By Consolve Srl Privacy, work and geolocation httpswwwlinkedinco
2019-01-29 12-01 CNIL Sur le design des interfaces (apres Google)Cahier IP 6 à téléc
2019-01-29 13-01 From Mirjam Ros on Linkedin ‘The Innovation Matrix’ is now releas
2019-02-11 12-02 From Catherine Bénard-LotzAtelier en équipe Charline Mainguet Julie
2019-02-11 12-02 From Olivier ANCESCHI Paradoxalement, se placer dans une logique de
2019-02-13 11-02 #Cyber hygiene and security httpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnl
2019-02-13 11-02 #Cyber hygiene and securityhttpswwwlinkedincomfeedupdateurnli
2019-02-14 10-02 From Rossana Ducato Dear all, happy to announce the begin of the cour
2019-03-03 07-03 140 icônes sur la propriété intellectuelle présentées - from Miro
2019-03-06 13-03 From MALET Marien #infographie Les outils juridiques de la copropr
2019-03-06 15-03 Contract Design Pattern LibraryOn this page we will be cataloging patt
2019-03-20 08-03 From ICO (privacy) DPIA httpsicoorgukfor-organisationsguide-to
2019-04-03 16-04 European visual reasoning httpsblogseceuropaeueupolicylabcanva
2019-04-11 18-04 Juan T Carboneras Functionality, Language and Emotion httpswwwl
2019-05-08 09-05 From Margaret Hagan a new Legal Design Lab in #Colombia at the Univer
2019-05-11 09-05 Privacy, icons, tweets httpstwittercomAEPD_esstatus1127107319
2019-06-15 08-06 Timelines httpstwittercomAlyssaAGoodmanstatus113932395174057574
2019-06-18 09-06 Robert Richards retwitted Bill Henderson @wihender Worksheet + instru
2019-07-08 19-07 In London, from Cristina Alvino For those in the London area https
2019-07-15 09-07 Lawyers vs users visit the link to view the solution httpswww
2019-07-15 09-07 Table of data privacy httpsiapporgnewsaintroducing-the-periodic
2019-07-16 16-07 Summary of policies for #SME,in Italy httpswwwlinkedincomfeedup
2019-07-30 09-07 From J Trevor Hughes - President CEO of the International Associati
2019-08-05 13-08 LEGAL DESIGN CHALLENGE 201915 y 16 de octubre de 2019CONGRESO SOBRE TR
2019-08-19 20-08 Safe online campain httpsmobiletwittercomncscstatus11634850316
2019-08-21 13-08 Flowers and gardens in Valencia Classifications and mapping
2019-08-22 00-08 Keep it safe
2019-08-23 10-08 Nathan Kinch When was the last time you actively engaged with an agre
2019-08-25 15-08 When legal design is designing customers relations Santiago Caravaca
2019-08-26 10-08 Terms of services didn't read - great tool from an idea of Hugo Roy -
2019-09-07 15-09 Simple words for your customers httpwwwbillyagencyfr#accueil
2019-09-09 12-09 Yes, this is a joke, but the idea is good (mainly for italians, sorry)
2019-09-11 15-09 Luxembourg 20190930 Legal Design in action re-design your legal
2019-09-12 14-09 New types of Eu trade marks httpseuipoeuropaeuknowledgecalendar
2019-09-14 17-09 Legal design is also informations, not only terms of services
2019-09-18 09-09 How to explain a decision Ernesto Belisario httpswwwfacebookcom
2019-09-18 09-09 How to explain a decision Ernesto Belisariohttpswwwfacebookcomd
2019-09-25 22-09 Contract design & patterns httpscontract-designiaccmcom
2019-09-26 13-09 When -simple- is not an option, visualize why httpswwwlinkedin
2019-09-30 17-09 Miroslav Kurdov Legal designer & IPIT in-house lawyerOur event « Leg
2019-10-07 17-10 Visual Jurisprudence - Richard K Sherwin - New York Law School - 23 P
2019-10-08 22-10 The right visualization 2 Randy Malluk httpswwwlinkedincomfeedu
2019-10-08 22-10 The right visualization, Randy Lao, claoudml httpswwwlinkedincom
2019-10-13 13-10 Age for consent in EU from Ghent University
2019-10-14 12-10 The IACCM Contract Design Pattern LibraryThis library is an ongoing co
2019-10-14 15-10 GDPR - compare official translations (output generated in real time su
2019-10-21 15-10 3 methodsvisions 1 legacy, 2 structured, 3 tipografic Certification
2019-11-05 15-11 Priorities and details
2019-11-05 22-11 Legal design is a method Alexandra Sabbe-Ferri httpswwwlinkedin
2019-11-08 14-11 Napoleon lui aussi httpswwwlinkedincompostsalexandra-sabbe
2019-11-10 12-11 Submitted by Christopher Schmidt law -gdpr🇩🇪 The Conference of G
2019-11-11 17-11 From ICO, Uk Have a look at our data protection impact assessment whe
2019-11-12 11-11 David Jonassen (September 14, 1947 – December 2, 2012) was an educat
2019-11-12 11-11 I use frequently tablet for my concept maps (mind maps) For me is the
2019-11-12 16-11 Stefania Passera - Contract Design & Visualization ConsultantAmici del
2019-11-20 18-11 In Milan - Legal Tech & Legal Design Seminarsda Silvia Martinelli http
2019-11-21 10-11 Contract design canvas by Verity White, page 125, httplbw2019us8le
2019-11-22 18-11 This is an insurance policy ReallySubmitted by Stefania Passera on L
2019-11-25 19-11 9 principles for the web - httpscontractfortheweborg
2019-11-25 19-11 Submitted by Elisa Bianchetti, expert in service design, httpswwwf
2019-11-25 19-11
2019-12-03 22-12 Legaltech in Belgium from Stanislas van Wassenhove, reshape httpsww
2019-12-09 16-12 (legal) design is how something works And other things behind the sc
2019-12-10 10-12 A good visualization can help you to understand faster a structure of
2019-12-24 18-12 From Tommaso Ricci legaldesign by law ! 📣 LegalDesign EU just ado
2019-12-24 18-12 From Tommaso Ricci legaldesign by law ! 📣 LegalDesign EU just ado
2019-12-29 12-12 Checklist fo dashboards
2019-12-30 08-12 Ccpa vs gdpr
2020-01-04 03-01 Ildegarda di Bingen
2020-01-11 07-01 Banksy
2020-01-23 13-01 How we know everthing and how we think - italian versionJoin github a
2020-01-27 18-01 Visual law services are worth a thousand words--and big money By Rober
2020-02-01 15-02 Brochure, terms of services, faq, on demand, all in onehttpspinit
2020-02-06 10-02 Call for abstracts for workshop on ‘Legal Design Concepts, methods,
2020-02-06 10-02 Call for abstracts for workshop on ‘Legal Design Concepts, methods,
2020-02-06 10-02 New events from the calendar httpswwwlegaldesignitpageCalendar
2020-02-06 10-02 New events from the calendarhttpswwwlegaldesignitpageCalendar
2020-02-12 18-02 Games and learning Alessandro Rancati Design for Policy at the EU P
2020-02-18 11-02 Here is a great example of studio aimed at framing and envisaging new
2020-02-18 11-02 Here you can find a great example of studio aimed at framing and envis
2020-02-27 04-02 Contracts and legaldesign, video and resources from Passera httpsww
2020-03-20 05-03 @Sifaoui Pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore compris les raisons du conf
2020-04-03 18-04 Alessandro Rancati • Design for Policy at the EU Policy LabAre you
2020-04-10 10-04 News also on Telegramsoftware strumenti legaldesign infografiche
2020-04-28 15-04 This is a graphic Not legal design But during the week I worked on i
2020-05-23 18-05 That's method httpswwwlinkedincompostsactivity-6668405792460410
2020-05-24 14-05 Easier than words
2020-05-28 13-05 Gold, from @Miroslav Kurdov httpswwwlinkedincompostsmiroslavkur
2020-05-31 19-05 httpswwwlinkedincompostsmesindemnit%C3%A9s_conditions-g%C3%A9n%
2020-06-03 11-06 Legal Design for lawyers and humansfrom Anna Posthumus Meyjes • Le
2020-06-05 16-06 From Alan Turing Institute - Understanding artificial intelligence eth
2020-06-08 15-06 Proud to submit to your attention wwwVisualCADit by Giovanni Pirrott
2020-06-10 15-06 AEPDes ‘Decálogo de recursos de ayuda de la AEPD’ para promover
2020-06-19 16-06 I don't speak german But I understand somethinghttpswwwlinkedin
2020-06-23 18-06 Santiago M Caravaca ux legal test-privacy policy--immuni-non ufficial
2020-06-24 09-06 From @Alexander Shtrikul , lawyer in REVERA law firm, an agreement
2020-06-29 15-06 Building stronger relationships httpsblogjurocomlegal-design-con
2020-06-29 15-06 Nathan Kinch If contracts are scary httpsmediumcomgreater-than-e
2020-07-02 16-07 Design para quem não é designer ( The Non-Designer's Design Book ) R
2020-07-03 15-07 More videos to describe judicial activity httpswwwlinkedincompo
2020-07-08 17-07 Vigilant Software - Mapping data tool, visual editor for GDPR compliac
2020-07-13 16-07 EDPS #privacy Flowcharts and Checklists on Data Protection - Brochure
2020-08-03 13-08 By Dwfgroup a useful timeline httpsdwfgroupcomennews-and-insight
2020-08-03 13-08 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗺𝘀 𝗜𝗜 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁
2020-08-03 14-08 Privacy Shield - Schrems II unofficial FAQ by V Spataro httpsgith
2020-08-04 12-08 A huge idea with a huge method, from Anna Posthumus Meyjeshttpsww
2020-08-07 10-08 Legal Design Contest the new constitutional referendum in Italy asks
2020-08-27 11-08 From httpsfinboldcomgdpr-fines-2020 A table with some interestin
2020-08-27 13-08 Notifiche via PEC e attestazioni di conformità – flowchart v 30 d
2020-08-31 16-08 Amazing Rowenna Fielding has made this fantastic flowchart to help you
2020-09-02 18-09 Lawinfographic is back - From Jessica Lam on Linkedin httpswwwl
2020-09-03 15-09 When less is more A simple abstract about the legal differences of e-
2020-09-23 18-09 Fake News, Political ADS Mozilla checks it out httpsfoundationmoz
2020-10-05 11-10 NDA on emails Old vs New Style En Clair httpswwwlinkedincompo
2020-10-08 08-10 By Jeroen Terstegge Legal Basis for data processing httpswwwlinke
2020-11-14 09-11 This is inspiring from Giorgia Vulcano This is not hust a visualizati
2020-11-14 09-11 This is inspiring from Giorgia Vulcano This is not just a visualizati
2020-12-12 18-12 Hackaton in Rome httpswwwlegalhackersromait
2020-12-12 18-12 Stefania Passera, method and history of legal design, in italian http
2020-12-15 13-12 Lorena Pacelli e Sara del Grosso user experience familiare e non disp
2021-01-26 17-01 A privacy policy in the language spoken in Venice !httpavmavms
2021-01-26 17-01 The short, always from ) Venice Priva C, Bro' ) httpswwwyoutube
2021-02-14 20-02 The idea of the Cynefin framework is that it offers decision-makers a
2021-03-04 17-03 Legal Design Store - httpswwwaclaradesignnlshop
2021-04-22 09-04 For every app choosetrack your datas ! httpswwwlinkedincomposts
2021-04-27 15-04 From Charles-Albert Helleputte Partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLPToday i
2021-05-04 09-05 I love mind maps in #legaldesign From Law Infographics by Jessica La
2021-05-04 09-05 On Linkedin Anna, Catherine B #Webinar AFJE #DigitalTaskForce_11mai
2021-05-06 12-05 From Law Infographic by Jessica Lamhttpswwwlinkedincompostsdanw
2021-05-11 17-05 Made to be reusable httpscontract-designworldcccomlibrary
2021-05-11 17-05 Useful resources httpslegaltechdesigncomcommunication-designcon
2021-05-22 17-05 This is completely #legaldesign 1) full video httpswwwyoutubecom
2021-06-23 16-06 Just 48 pages and 1 scheme on Recommendations 012020 on measures that
2021-07-22 18-07 From Dan Williams - Categories of Personal Information - enterprivacy
2021-07-27 20-07 Green Pass in Italian Salsa Exceptional Paolo Rendina on httpsdail
2021-11-02 12-11 Trasferimento di dati personali negli USA, Schrems II le informazioni
2021-11-08 05-11 Statuto n2
2021-11-08 05-11 Statuto
2021-11-08 20-11 New edition of my interpretation of italian Authority Decalogue on pro
2021-11-10 14-11 That's #analytic #legaldesign httpsgaranteprivacyitwebguesthome
2021-11-15 11-11 Rights of Data Subjects under the GDPR - Infographic designed by Jessi
2021-11-29 12-11 Submitted by Natalija Bitiukova httpswwwlinkedincompostsnatalij
2021-12-15 17-12 Privacy - policies - icons - legaldesign contest the winners (and not
2021-12-17 19-12 Privacy and icons, the contest And one of the 2 co-winners is Sara V
2021-12-18 14-12 Electronic voting, sperimental, in Italy why is to stop #legaldesign
2021-12-18 16-12 Questo voto elettronico italiano non s'ha da fare In Germania il voto
2022-02-09 16-02 #LegalDesign é uma poderosa ferramenta de comunicação! Todo o resto
2022-02-09 16-02 Ach@at solutions « Les modifications des contrats de la commande pub
2022-02-09 16-02 Atira Pereira Lima AGU vai adotar o legaldesign e inserir infográfico
2022-02-09 16-02 Design for policy is looking for designershttpswwwlinkedincompo
2022-02-15 12-02 Interactive nando_pappalardo Persuasive Copy and Visual Hierarchyht
2022-02-26 16-02 Privacy and history and context
2022-02-26 22-02 Length httpswwwlinkedincompostsdavid-y-wang_law-contracts-s
2022-03-20 09-03 Guide faute médicale en legal design Droits Quotidiens Legal Desi
2022-04-05 09-04 Symbols Narration Structure Spaces That's legaldesignhttpswww
2022-04-28 09-04 A rare intelligent use of Sunburst infographic from pik-potsdamde h
2022-05-06 09-05 Principles of legal design Salt and pepper without words Just colors
2022-07-12 04-07 I Agree, art and legaldesign tos in art httpswwwfuorisaloneitit
2022-07-14 10-07 It's easier to make it better if you know the subjecthttpswwwlinke
2022-09-30 11-09 An example of the power of images In few images you can share how yo
2022-10-06 09-10 #Legaldesign is a state of mind It can inspire you in every product,
2022-10-09 11-10 Dario Ingiusto, from Paris, great httpstwittercomdarioingiusto
2022-11-14 12-11 Threats But not structure No paths Just visual But some icons are
2022-11-29 14-11 Interpretation of FSFE campain on freedom about software (realized by
2022-12-01 21-12 Legaldesign around the world